Loanbook Exploratory Analysis

In [1]:
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline

pd.options.display.max_rows = 125

Load loan data from CSV

In [24]:
loandata = pd.read_csv("data/loandata.csv", low_memory=False)
loandata = loandata[pd.to_datetime(loandata['ListedOnUTC']).dt.year > 2012]

First look on data:

In [25]:

ReportAsOfEOD LoanId LoanNumber ListedOnUTC BiddingStartedOn BidsPortfolioManager BidsApi BidsManual UserName NewCreditCustomer ... PreviousEarlyRepaymentsCountBeforeLoan GracePeriodStart GracePeriodEnd NextPaymentDate NextPaymentNr NrOfScheduledPayments ReScheduledOn PrincipalDebtServicingCost InterestAndPenaltyDebtServicingCost ActiveLateLastPaymentCategory
0 2017-05-04 66AE108B-532B-4BB3-BAB7-0019A46412C1 483449 2016-03-23 16:07:19 2016-03-23 16:07:19 970 1150 5.0 BO965519 False ... 0 NaN NaN 2017-05-12 13.0 60.0 NaN 0.0 0.0 NaN
1 2017-05-04 D152382E-A50D-46ED-8FF2-0053E0C86A70 378148 2015-06-25 11:02:28 2015-06-25 11:02:28 1295 0 1705.0 BOA9K172A False ... 1 NaN NaN NaN 0.0 60.0 NaN 0.0 0.0 8-15
2 2017-05-04 87342E13-66CB-483F-833A-007953E50C78 451831 2016-01-14 10:00:21 2016-01-14 10:00:21 2700 565 5835.0 BO7971663 True ... 0 NaN NaN 2017-05-22 16.0 60.0 NaN 0.0 0.0 31-60
3 2017-05-04 87227056-6BF9-410C-98D1-008F788E122A 349381 2015-03-24 15:55:44 2015-03-24 15:55:44 1115 0 385.0 BO76151K3 True ... 1 NaN NaN NaN 0.0 60.0 NaN 0.0 0.0 180+
4 2017-05-04 2DDE6336-E466-4624-A337-00A0ED1A1468 443082 2015-12-17 10:12:00 2015-12-17 10:12:00 305 0 785.0 BOK423A63 True ... 0 NaN NaN NaN 0.0 48.0 NaN 0.0 0.0 180+

5 rows × 112 columns

In [26]:

(32779, 112)

All the columns with types and number of unique values:

In [27]:
types = [loandata[c].dtype for c in loandata.columns]
uniques = [loandata[c].unique().size for c in loandata.columns]
nans = [loandata[c].isnull().sum() for c in loandata.columns]
# + ", " + str(loandata[i].unique().size))
columns = pd.DataFrame(data={'names': loandata.columns, 'types': types, 'uniques': uniques, 'nans': nans})
columns = columns.set_index('names').sort_values(by='nans')

nans types uniques
ReportAsOfEOD 0 object 1
HomeOwnershipType 0 float64 10
IncomeFromPrincipalEmployer 0 float64 2735
IncomeFromPension 0 float64 1094
IncomeFromFamilyAllowance 0 float64 334
IncomeFromSocialWelfare 0 float64 392
IncomeFromLeavePay 0 float64 359
IncomeFromChildSupport 0 float64 189
IncomeOther 0 float64 462
IncomeTotal 0 float64 2940
ExistingLiabilities 0 int64 32
LiabilitiesTotal 0 float64 13069
RefinanceLiabilities 0 int64 21
DebtToIncome 0 float64 6744
FreeCash 0 float64 22985
OccupationArea 0 float64 20
MonthlyPaymentDay 0 int64 28
Status 0 object 3
Restructured 0 bool 2
PrincipalPaymentsMade 0 float64 19187
InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade 0 float64 24659
PrincipalWriteOffs 0 float64 164
InterestAndPenaltyWriteOffs 0 float64 386
PrincipalBalance 0 float64 21886
InterestAndPenaltyBalance 0 float64 12387
NoOfPreviousLoansBeforeLoan 0 int64 25
AmountOfPreviousLoansBeforeLoan 0 float64 1897
PreviousRepaymentsBeforeLoan 0 float64 10506
PreviousEarlyRepaymentsBefoleLoan 0 float64 348
PreviousEarlyRepaymentsCountBeforeLoan 0 int64 9
PrincipalDebtServicingCost 0 float64 126
InterestAndPenaltyDebtServicingCost 0 float64 3089
MaritalStatus 0 float64 5
ActiveScheduleFirstPaymentReached 0 bool 2
LoanApplicationStartedDate 0 object 32774
LoanId 0 object 32779
Education 0 float64 5
LoanNumber 0 int64 32779
ListedOnUTC 0 object 32749
BiddingStartedOn 0 object 32749
BidsPortfolioManager 0 int64 2215
MaturityDate_Last 0 object 1814
ApplicationSignedHour 0 int64 24
ApplicationSignedWeekday 0 int64 7
VerificationType 0 float64 4
LanguageCode 0 int64 13
Age 0 int64 56
Gender 0 float64 3
DateOfBirth 0 object 11682
AppliedAmount 0 float64 298
Amount 0 float64 1539
Interest 0 float64 4517
LoanDuration 0 int64 20
MaturityDate_Original 0 object 1736
FirstPaymentDate 0 object 929
BidsApi 0 int64 491
UseOfLoan 0 int64 9
BidsManual 0 float64 1135
UserName 0 object 22237
NewCreditCustomer 0 bool 2
Country 0 object 4
LoanDate 0 object 1493
WorkExperience 8 object 7
ProbabilityOfDefault 12 float64 7291
ModelVersion 12 float64 7
LossGivenDefault 12 float64 7
ExpectedLoss 12 float64 11309
ExpectedReturn 12 float64 13303
Rating 16 object 9
EmploymentStatus 53 float64 7
EmploymentPosition 126 object 2635
EmploymentDurationCurrentEmployer 274 object 8
City 396 object 4985
NrOfDependants 930 object 12
PlannedPrincipalTillDate 1674 float64 22723
PlannedInterestTillDate 1674 float64 28592
County 2675 object 906
LastPaymentOn 2940 object 1117
NextPaymentNr 6462 float64 52
MonthlyPayment 7061 float64 14515
PrincipalOverdueBySchedule 7167 float64 9856
Rating_V2 7643 object 9
NrOfScheduledPayments 8055 float64 64
CreditScoreEeMini 16835 float64 7
NextPaymentDate 17541 object 38
DebtOccuredOnForSecondary 19752 object 773
CurrentDebtDaysSecondary 19752 float64 773
EL_V1 19877 float64 1909
Rating_V1 19877 object 9
StageActiveSince 20457 object 7061
DebtOccuredOn 20709 object 737
CurrentDebtDaysPrimary 20709 float64 737
ActiveLateCategory 20724 object 10
RecoveryStage 20728 float64 4
WorseLateCategory 20953 object 10
ActiveLateLastPaymentCategory 21034 object 10
ContractEndDate 21627 object 1804
EAD1 21700 float64 9152
DefaultDate 21700 object 668
EAD2 21700 float64 9181
InterestRecovery 21750 float64 428
PrincipalRecovery 21750 float64 3922
PlannedInterestPostDefault 21750 float64 10295
PlannedPrincipalPostDefault 21750 float64 9920
ReScheduledOn 23809 object 989
CreditScoreEsEquifaxRisk 25523 object 7
CreditScoreEsMicroL 25523 object 11
CreditScoreFiAsiakasTietoRiskGrade 26472 object 7
Rating_V0 28210 object 9
EL_V0 28210 float64 1204
GracePeriodStart 28875 object 434
GracePeriodEnd 28875 object 583

In [33]:
loandata[loandata['PrincipalWriteOffs'] > 0][['PrincipalPaymentsMade', 'Status', 'InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade', 'Amount', 'Interest']]

PrincipalPaymentsMade Status InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade Amount Interest
124 1184.65 Repaid 495.51 1455.0 57.09
176 2553.31 Repaid 599.17 3500.0 17.12
356 2346.45 Repaid 852.14 3190.0 47.22
766 1307.90 Repaid 331.71 1500.0 30.65
3826 334.17 Repaid 357.37 3000.0 28.00
4177 2432.03 Repaid 2850.04 3200.0 30.00
4298 382.28 Repaid 1014.40 5600.0 28.00
4362 2740.76 Repaid 474.56 3000.0 28.00
4385 714.87 Repaid 560.29 850.0 30.00
4483 234.86 Repaid 474.44 1700.0 30.00
4496 3606.00 Repaid 2158.95 4000.0 28.00
4497 3851.84 Repaid 784.97 4500.0 28.00
4755 8964.09 Repaid 2703.53 9000.0 25.00
4872 6338.79 Repaid 5164.43 7700.0 28.00
4913 1093.83 Repaid 544.15 1200.0 28.00
4934 2099.15 Repaid 180.33 2100.0 30.00
5090 1045.12 Repaid 384.76 1050.0 30.00
5268 5136.83 Repaid 2899.21 6100.0 25.00
5364 497.76 Repaid 107.76 500.0 20.00
5399 1643.61 Repaid 564.20 1700.0 28.00
5795 2529.12 Repaid 1256.79 2700.0 28.00
6045 2954.19 Repaid 788.15 3000.0 18.00
6166 4334.63 Repaid 371.11 5000.0 24.00
6479 1723.36 Repaid 272.87 2000.0 22.00
6615 1382.37 Repaid 539.84 1700.0 28.00
6978 1658.16 Repaid 70.84 1700.0 22.00
6979 1956.26 Repaid 1224.80 2000.0 33.00
7038 506.98 Repaid 317.36 1000.0 20.00
7211 3886.45 Repaid 937.45 4350.0 21.00
7374 1902.60 Repaid 958.15 2000.0 28.00
7405 1779.06 Repaid 814.16 3000.0 22.00
7712 5723.17 Repaid 2396.39 6000.0 33.00
7789 4306.03 Repaid 0.00 5000.0 22.00
8088 1911.81 Repaid 2175.65 9200.0 28.00
8111 9381.17 Repaid 950.45 10000.0 22.00
8147 7114.63 Repaid 1198.01 9100.0 22.00
8199 6207.30 Repaid 2009.08 6500.0 28.00
8319 421.64 Repaid 234.49 800.0 26.00
8431 6129.54 Repaid 2657.10 6500.0 31.00
8434 3410.78 Repaid 0.00 5000.0 22.00
8555 9559.64 Repaid 2558.53 10000.0 29.00
8563 1066.38 Repaid 279.82 1300.0 29.00
8589 1091.77 Repaid 298.92 2000.0 31.00
8679 5084.53 Repaid 4024.43 7000.0 26.00
8939 1044.22 Repaid 0.00 1100.0 41.00
9019 15.13 Repaid 0.00 3000.0 26.00
9041 919.70 Repaid 64.12 3000.0 22.00
9053 462.94 Repaid 236.20 500.0 33.00
9328 2013.11 Repaid 158.70 2500.0 31.00
9351 2647.94 Repaid 1360.44 5000.0 26.00
9407 1467.85 Repaid 0.00 1700.0 32.00
9454 2109.74 Repaid 776.40 2500.0 31.00
9499 1399.61 Repaid 0.00 1500.0 32.00
9702 2599.71 Repaid 117.08 3000.0 31.00
9876 680.67 Repaid 179.19 700.0 29.00
10034 446.02 Repaid 195.97 500.0 38.00
10047 374.21 Repaid 0.00 500.0 32.00
10191 1170.19 Repaid 356.15 1200.0 26.00
10342 2195.55 Repaid 252.04 3000.0 31.00
10360 1499.33 Repaid 0.00 2000.0 34.00
10398 1030.63 Repaid 559.27 1500.0 32.00
10515 1887.82 Repaid 842.00 1910.0 31.00
... ... ... ... ... ...
15864 7512.44 Repaid 3123.33 9800.0 29.71
15886 5377.63 Repaid 735.82 5525.0 23.44
15916 1825.56 Repaid 74.62 2000.0 30.56
16194 918.34 Repaid 45.26 1000.0 32.88
16195 459.80 Repaid 0.00 800.0 41.47
16404 690.33 Repaid 318.00 700.0 57.09
16464 1929.83 Repaid 173.52 2000.0 35.40
16778 191.24 Repaid 372.19 10000.0 21.62
16908 288.74 Repaid 598.98 10000.0 21.62
17029 0.00 Repaid 0.00 10000.0 21.62
17064 446.70 Repaid 15.15 500.0 20.44
17245 2141.40 Repaid 423.54 2455.0 40.40
17310 387.29 Repaid 199.98 500.0 51.62
17343 765.21 Repaid 346.10 1000.0 39.63
17381 874.49 Repaid 425.75 1100.0 52.08
17399 967.44 Repaid 37.76 1000.0 26.76
17526 422.50 Repaid 1003.85 10000.0 26.76
17618 488.93 Repaid 928.84 10000.0 21.62
17676 780.20 Repaid 451.39 1000.0 48.05
17683 198.33 Repaid 337.45 10000.0 20.22
17732 311.47 Repaid 565.81 10000.0 18.40
18355 2710.89 Repaid 934.57 3700.0 23.68
18421 892.84 Repaid 0.00 900.0 31.92
18505 1522.01 Repaid 280.34 2000.0 33.32
18702 2.00 Repaid 0.00 4625.0 23.68
18720 599.90 Repaid 168.24 800.0 28.98
18829 432.19 Repaid 0.00 500.0 17.09
18848 376.62 Repaid 32.31 530.0 17.69
19311 0.01 Repaid 0.00 3370.0 21.62
19336 3818.43 Repaid 0.00 5315.0 23.38
19422 2907.43 Repaid 0.00 3190.0 31.12
19629 3478.16 Repaid 1026.96 4250.0 32.98
19835 458.89 Repaid 86.80 530.0 41.43
20105 0.01 Repaid 0.00 10630.0 41.81
20312 0.01 Repaid 0.00 10630.0 30.44
20349 0.02 Repaid 0.00 10630.0 28.61
20464 0.01 Repaid 0.00 10630.0 34.53
20738 574.37 Repaid 108.23 740.0 36.36
20871 0.50 Repaid 0.00 2495.0 41.19
20898 459.00 Repaid 53.50 530.0 30.68
20938 437.06 Repaid 0.00 530.0 27.69
21189 856.29 Repaid 23.48 1275.0 20.46
21807 1535.94 Repaid 328.44 2125.0 42.30
21846 443.73 Repaid 0.00 530.0 35.09
21860 1562.12 Repaid 213.63 2125.0 36.86
21990 1763.63 Repaid 154.67 2020.0 32.53
22233 1489.58 Repaid 234.25 2075.0 37.66
22305 452.34 Repaid 0.00 530.0 37.21
22760 2581.77 Repaid 660.23 2895.0 66.65
22922 414.54 Repaid 16.74 530.0 33.98
23113 403.23 Repaid 41.90 530.0 38.99
23185 347.53 Repaid 38.75 530.0 20.73
23387 1876.71 Repaid 0.00 2130.0 75.03
23610 2.00 Repaid 0.00 3185.0 35.44
24497 398.10 Repaid 0.00 530.0 39.37
25280 5577.89 Repaid 0.00 6910.0 37.72
25575 396.50 Repaid 5.13 530.0 37.20
26313 942.72 Repaid 0.00 1275.0 28.36
27011 5654.68 Repaid 0.00 7970.0 27.22
35051 383.02 Repaid 22.76 530.0 27.55
35143 922.50 Repaid 535.52 1200.0 44.31
35215 479.69 Repaid 216.83 600.0 34.58

168 rows × 5 columns

In [29]:
loandata[['PrincipalPaymentsMade', 'Status', 'InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade', 'Amount', 'Interest']].head(30)

PrincipalPaymentsMade Status InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade Amount Interest
0 268.62 Current 445.48 2125.0 20.97
1 421.44 Late 360.07 3000.0 17.12
2 1606.84 Late 1337.29 9100.0 13.67
3 65.32 Late 355.92 1500.0 40.40
4 0.01 Late 0.00 1090.0 68.39
5 0.04 Late 0.00 775.0 73.73
6 17.02 Current 294.52 635.0 42.66
7 1000.00 Repaid 403.89 1000.0 61.49
8 4000.00 Repaid 1567.36 4000.0 31.01
9 1251.38 Current 2140.94 5000.0 24.52
10 2000.00 Repaid 575.44 2000.0 17.11
11 530.00 Repaid 130.03 530.0 25.68
12 1156.71 Current 1749.47 5500.0 21.62
13 6900.00 Repaid 3.74 6900.0 21.63
14 264.37 Current 898.50 2655.0 26.88
15 217.78 Current 2010.16 3190.0 51.55
16 34.21 Late 299.79 530.0 50.82
17 49.28 Current 417.15 500.0 43.97
18 3720.00 Repaid 512.48 3720.0 26.94
19 52.72 Late 233.32 2500.0 32.58
20 1.00 Late 0.00 465.0 40.40
21 106.78 Late 445.10 3500.0 47.34
22 105.77 Late 202.26 3780.0 34.31
23 505.38 Current 846.91 2000.0 24.10
24 424.53 Current 1463.75 2500.0 44.99
25 31.80 Current 194.90 530.0 41.81
26 90.08 Current 455.58 1060.0 41.11
27 736.25 Current 1546.40 3000.0 28.36
28 249.75 Current 790.78 1595.0 43.25
29 1500.00 Repaid 204.25 1500.0 15.91

Analyse missing values:

In [6]:
missingvalues = (columns['nans'] / len(loandata.index) * 100)
missingvalues = missingvalues[missingvalues > 5].sort_values(ascending=False)
missingvalues.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(20, 2))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59ea1efef0>

In [7]:

GracePeriodEnd                        88.961789
GracePeriodStart                      88.961789
EL_V0                                 87.134289
Rating_V0                             87.134289
CreditScoreFiAsiakasTietoRiskGrade    82.240306
CreditScoreEsMicroL                   79.568046
CreditScoreEsEquifaxRisk              79.568046
ReScheduledOn                         74.600850
InterestRecovery                      66.372878
PrincipalRecovery                     66.372878
PlannedPrincipalPostDefault           66.372878
PlannedInterestPostDefault            66.372878
DefaultDate                           66.232084
EAD1                                  66.232084
EAD2                                  66.232084
ActiveLateLastPaymentCategory         65.716780
ActiveLateCategory                    65.232450
DebtOccuredOn                         65.190212
CurrentDebtDaysPrimary                65.190212
RecoveryStage                         65.080393
StageActiveSince                      64.263791
WorseLateCategory                     63.799172
Rating_V1                             63.613325
EL_V1                                 63.613325
CurrentDebtDaysSecondary              61.994199
DebtOccuredOnForSecondary             61.994199
ContractEndDate                       61.980120
NextPaymentDate                       57.052347
CreditScoreEeMini                     55.047447
NrOfScheduledPayments                 30.239631
Rating_V2                             29.200574
MonthlyPayment                        27.581449
PrincipalOverdueBySchedule            26.781742
NextPaymentNr                         23.284431
LastPaymentOn                          8.391293
Rating                                 7.687326
ModelVersion                           7.676062
ExpectedLoss                           7.676062
ProbabilityOfDefault                   7.676062
ExpectedReturn                         7.676062
LossGivenDefault                       7.676062
County                                 7.583139
Name: nans, dtype: float64

Let's have a look at some of the columns:

In [8]:
loandata['yearmonth'] = pd.to_datetime(loandata['ListedOnUTC']).dt.to_period('M')

Number of loans in countries per YearMonth:

In [9]:
loandata.groupby(['yearmonth', 'Country']).size().unstack(1).sort_index(ascending=True).fillna(0).plot(figsize=(16, 5))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59e44da278>

In [10]:
r = pd.concat([loandata['yearmonth'], loandata[['Rating', 'Rating_V0', 'Rating_V1', 'Rating_V2']].notnull()], axis=1)

Different types of rating per YearMonth:

In [11]:
g = r.groupby('yearmonth').sum()
g = g[(g.T != 0).any()]

Rating Rating_V0 Rating_V1 Rating_V2
2012-11 5.0 0.0 5.0 0.0
2012-12 15.0 0.0 15.0 7.0
2013-01 103.0 89.0 14.0 103.0
2013-02 87.0 78.0 9.0 87.0
2013-03 113.0 103.0 10.0 113.0

In [12]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f59e408cf60>

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: